Nauticam Macro to Wideangle Lens 1 (MWL-1)

Nauticam Macro to Wideangle Lens 1 (MWL-1)

2.073,75 EUR

(incl. VAT)

Macro to Wideangle Lens 1 (MWL-1)


Why not use the possibility to do both Macro and Wide angle under water?
Nauticam is introducing the new MWL-1 that is a wetlens who will give 150-degree Field of View on a full frame using a 60mm macro lens.

So now DSLR and Highend MIL photographers can use both focal widths on the same dive. Something that mainly Compact photographers have been able to do.

THIS is a landmark lens from Nauticam... yet another one!



Product no.: 86201
Weight: 1,5 kg
Stock status: Assembled on order and shipped.

Macro to Wideangle Lens 1 (MWL-1)

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